
你在科罗拉多大学的时候, you may find yourself at social events or parties that have 酒精 or other substances. This guide offers practical tips and advice to help you navigate parties and stay safe.  

1. 选择你自己的冒险 

人们很容易认为大学里每个人都喝酒. 然而,重要的是要知道这种刻板印象并不成立. 你比任何人都清楚乐趣对你意味着什么. That’s why it’s important for you to actively choose to have the experience that you want. 

如果你选择不喝酒或使用物质,没关系. 这并不意味着你要错过社交活动或派对. 事实上,96%接受调查的博彩平台推荐学生支持不在派对上喝酒.  

2. 设定限制 

限制不仅仅是指你喝了多少饮料或使用了多少物质. They can include a variety of strategies that can help you have wanted experiences and avoid unwanted experiences. 以下是一些你可以为自己设定的限制: 

  • 社交圈子: 酒精 or other drug use can make anyone more vulnerable to unwanted experiences. If you’re invited out, be thoughtful about who you choose to surround yourself with. 选择你信任的人和会照顾你的人. 在你们一起出去之前,试着制定一个计划. 例如, you may want to ensure everyone is on the same page about sticking together or helping each other get home safely. This can be particularly important if you are new to campus and haven’t formed close relationships yet. 
  • 双方类型: 你想参加什么样的聚会? In some cases, you may not be willing to go to large gatherings or participate in ‘party-hopping.’ Let your group know if you aren’t comfortable or want to find a different party to go to. 
  • 聚会时间: Knowing when it’s time to leave can help ensure that you maintain control over your night. 如果你准备好了, make a plan with your group to ensure everyone makes it home safely and nobody gets left behind.  
  • 频率: 聚会很常见,尤其是在周末. 设定饮酒的频率, 使用药物或参加聚会可以帮助确保你不会走极端. 考虑限制你每周或每月参加的活动数量. 这可以帮助你避免倦怠和对生活其他方面的潜在影响, 比如学习成绩, 课外活动和人际关系.  
  • 饮品数量: 这是人们为自己设定的最常见的限制之一. Keep in mind that substances affect everyone differently and knowing your limit is a learning process. 你的极限可能看起来和你周围的人不一样,这没关系. 如果你不确定自己的极限是多少,那就从小处开始. 例如, you can take a break between drinks to see how they make you feel before having more. Consider enlisting a friend to help you stick to a limit that works for you or let you know when they think you’ve had enough. 

3. 掌握说“我很好,谢谢”的艺术 

无论你是想避免同辈压力还是想离开派对, 掌握一些策略是很重要的. Consider potential exit strategies before you go out so you’re better prepared to use them. 下面是一些你可以使用的例子: 


Fill your cup with water or a non-酒精ic beverage to show that you already have a drink and don’t need a refill.  

选择参加其他与饮酒无关的活动, 比如看别人玩游戏或者在聚会上认识其他人. 

Rely on your friends to help you if someone is being pushy about drinks or other substances. 他们也许能够干预或改变局势, 尤其是当你自己还在努力的时候. 


在参加聚会或聚会之前,计划好如何回家. 确保你的朋友群在同一页面, 你的手机充满电,如果需要的话,你有足够的钱来支付交通费用.   

If you’re feeling uncomfortable or want to go home, confide in your trusted friends. 让他们知道你准备离开,并叫人陪你一起去.   

你总可以找个借口不参加聚会. 说你早上有工作也没关系, 你的室友被锁在外面了,或者你感觉不舒服. 做你需要做的事来照顾自己. 

Remember that your friends should always respect your decisions to slow down, stop or leave. 如果你感到来自团队成员的压力, 考虑寻找另一个你认识的人来帮助你摆脱困境.   

4. 一次只使用一种物质 

同时使用一种以上的物质, 包括酒精, 药物或其他药物, 会增加你服药过量的风险吗. The interactions between substances are often unpredictable and may impact you more than others. 这就是为什么每次坚持使用一种物质是很重要的.  

5. 为紧急情况做好准备 

有时事情会变糟或出现意想不到的转折. This can include a person experiencing 酒精 poisoning or an accidental overdose at a party. 知道如何回应并得到帮助可以挽救他们的生命.    



  • 昏倒的或没有反应的  
  • 呼吸缓慢或停止  
  • 昏倒时呕吐  
  • 不由自主地小便  
  • 苍白/蓝色或冷/潮湿的皮肤  
  • 细小的瞳孔  
  • 发出咯咯声、喘息声或打呼声 


  •  立即拨打911,等待救援.  
  • 确保人员处于安全区域,以免受伤.  
  • 让人侧身,把他们放进 复苏的位置.  
  • 管理纳洛酮 (即使你不确定他们的情况). 
  • Never leave a severely intoxicated person alone or with someone who is not a trusted friend. 




Calling for help in an 酒精- or drug-related emergency means neither the person who calls for help nor the person who needs help will be subject to formal disciplinary sanctions by the university (i.e.(缓刑、停学、开除).    


  • 寻求帮助(911或大学工作人员).  
  • 待在伤者身边,直到救援到来.  
  • 与工作人员和紧急救援人员合作.



举报犯罪行为的人可免于刑事起诉, 真诚地, 对执法人员来说是紧急药物或酒精过量, 911系统或医疗服务提供者.   

This same immunity applies to persons who remain at the scene of the event until a law enforcement officer, 或者紧急医疗救护人员来了, or if the person remains at the facilities of the medical provider until a law enforcement officer, 紧急医疗救援人员或医疗服务人员到达. The immunity described above also extends to the person who suffered the emergency drug or 酒精 overdose event.

6. 为他人着想 

事实上,大多数性侵犯都是由朋友实施的, 熟人, 合作伙伴, 前任或某人在网上或聚会上认识的人. Pushing substances onto someone or pursuing someone who is intoxicated can be a common tactic for committing sexual assault.  

如果你在聚会或和朋友出去, it’s important to keep an eye out for sketchy situations that may indicate that someone is trying to take advantage of another person through the use of 酒精 or other drugs.  


  • Coercing or pressuring someone to consume more 酒精 or drugs than they are comfortable with.  
  • Initiating sexual contact with someone because they are intoxicated and less likely to resist.  
  • Isolating someone who has had too much to drink or is having a negative drug experience.  
  • Not telling someone what is in their drink or the type of dosage of drug they are ingesting.  

如果你注意到这些迹象, 准备好介入或打断, 即使你不确定你对形势的理解是否正确. You may need to help reconnect them with trusted friends or enlist others to help ensure they can get home safely.  


7. 玩得开心 

大学可能是一段充满压力的时光,花点时间找点乐子很重要. 练习这些策略可以帮助你保持安全,享受你的夜晚.  


如果你想探索你与物质的关系, 探索酒精和性的影响, 注册一个即将到来的聚会,或者联系一个康复社区, 博彩平台推荐有资源可以帮助你.  


登记你的聚会,以减少收到昂贵门票的机会. 在校外宿舍登记你的派对 & 邻里关系, you will get a 20-minute warning before police officers arrive if your residence receives a noise complaint. 



  • 多种物质,包括阿片类药物、尼古丁、大麻等. 
  • 方注册 
  • 常见的引用 


探索划清界限, 同意, 快乐, the impact of 酒精 on sex and sexual assault prevention during this interactive workshop presented by the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC). 


学生法律服务 is a dedicated law firm that provides 支持 to eligible CU Boulder students facing legal issues, 包括: 

  • 酒后驾车和醉酒驾车 
  • 未成年人管有 
  • 讨厌的方 
  • 未成年人饮酒 
  • 噪音违反 
  • 打开容器 
  • 持有毒品用具 
  • 持有或分发处方或娱乐性药物 


健康促进 offers free workshops to help students reflect on their relationship with 酒精 and other substances.  

  • 探索物质使用工作坊(由训练有素的工作人员协助)  
  • 爱好者讨论药物使用(由训练有素的学生指导)  




  • 物质使用评估  
  • 简短个体化治疗  
  • 支持有关的朋友和家人  
  • 转介到康复中心和其他社区资源  
  • 目前治疗  



SCCR provides 支持 and resources to help students understand the impact of their behaviors, 平衡责任与发展和教育之间的关系. The student conduct process helps students reflect on and repair any harm caused and create a personal plan to minimize or eliminate harm in the future. 


CUCRC每周提供支持会议, 无物质活动和其他资源供那些考虑, 戒毒的寻求或积极戒毒的, 酒精, 饮食失调, 自残, 其他上瘾和不想要的行为. 


OVA提供免费和保密的信息, 咨询, 支持, 倡导和短期, 为学生提供以创伤为重点的咨询服务, 研究生, 经历过创伤的教职员工, 令人不安或扰乱生活的事件, 包括, 但不限于, 性侵犯和性骚扰.  
