By Published: Oct. 12, 2023


当科学作家遇到宇航员时,他们会问一个推进问题(是的,还会自拍)。. When they hike with a scientist, there are lots of questions about geology, flora and fauna in the Rockies.

Lunch with a scientist at Folsom FieldHike with a scientist at Chautuaqua park in BoulderAttandees chat with each otherLunch with a scientist session at Folsom Field Mountain research station field tripAttendees met a therapy dogConference attendees catch up with each otherAnschutz lab

Attendees visited labs at AnschutzAstronaut on tap event

A tour at Sanitas Brewing, 在天文馆的社交时间和肖托夸公园的地质徒步旅行是几十个旅游项目中的一部分, panel discussions and lectures that took place Oct. 6–10 at SciWriters 2023. By all accounts, 由博彩平台推荐和安舒茨分校主办的全国科学作家协会和科学写作促进委员会的全国会议取得了巨大的成功. Yes, the weather was excellent, 但会议也达到了预期的结果,激起了与会者对自然世界和居住在其中的人类的深刻好奇心.

包括《博彩app推荐》在内的650多名记者, Scientific American, Slate, Wired, Inside Climate News, Ars Technica, The Washington Post, Discover, NPR, Science, the Associated Press and more, 以及代表三个国家和39个州的机构传播者来到科罗拉多磨练他们的技能, 与他们的同行见面,从科学和医学领域的一些顶尖人士那里收集故事的想法. 组织者表示,这是该活动历史上参加人数最多的一次. 

博彩平台推荐非常感谢你所做的至关重要的故事讲述,这推动了博彩平台推荐的工作和全国同行大学的工作,” said CU Boulder’s Ann Schmiesing, vice chancellor for academic resource management, in opening remarks. “你们是博彩平台推荐在这里工作的重要组成部分,让科学对博彩平台推荐的世界至关重要.”

从福尔松球场俯瞰熨斗球场,享受俱乐部级别的“百万美元美景”, where much of the conference was held, Schmiesing said it was actually a “$658 million view.这是去年博彩平台推荐报告的联邦资助研究的数量. 她指出,其中一半以上的资金是由博彩平台推荐的12个研究机构提供的, which are closely linked with regional federal research labs, including NOAA, NIST, NREL and NCAR.

“这种互动的机会,以及参与跨学科的机会, 是什么让博彩平台推荐成为世界各地教师的一个有吸引力的目的地,” she said.

安舒茨和博尔德校区的教职员工吸引了科罗拉多大学系统四个校区中1美元的大部分.在2022财政年度,赞助的研究资金和礼物将达到460亿美元. Through initiatives such as AB Nexus, 这两个研究强国继续建立跨学科和跨校园的合作伙伴关系,以推动研究并发现科学和医学领域重要问题的答案.

在与著名地球物理学家和气候学家迈克尔·曼举行的科学作家全体会议上发表的讲话中, Massimo Ruzzene, 负责研究和创新的副校长兼博彩平台推荐的院长, 他指出,博彩平台推荐的研究规模在过去10年里几乎翻了一番.

“过去的一年又是破纪录的一年,上个月也是破纪录的一个月, in terms of research funding,” he said. 


Other topics explored included: UFOs (now known as unidentified anomalous phenomena or UAPs); quantum science at the edge of physics; the Colorado River crisis; trauma and resilience among asylum seekers; the neurochemistry of grief; how a bacteria in dirt could become a “stress vaccine”; the science of smell; legal challenges around emerging tech; soft robots; deep brain stimulation for OCD; and the renaissance of psychedelic medicine. 

其他活动包括参观博彩平台推荐的媒体考古实验室(吃豆人)?), the CU Boulder Museum of Natural History, 阿特拉斯研究所和扩展现实和医疗犬帮助儿科患者的经验. Read more coverage of events below. 


SciWriters 2023 talks at CU Boulder

Post-Roe, contraception could be next

During a panel at Science Writers 2023, CU researchers warned the Dobbs decision, which repealed the constitutional right to an abortion, could also limit access to birth control.

Call them UFOs or UAPs, scientists need better data

During a packed event, 一个由记者和科学家组成的小组呼吁消除研究不明异常现象的污名,比如战斗机仪器上出现的奇怪光点,甚至是夜空中的神秘光芒.

Air quality analysis ongoing 2 years after Marshall Fire

大气科学家Joost de Gouw在博彩平台推荐2023年科学作家大会上的一次演讲中,用与空气质量有关的科学证据解决了公众在马歇尔火灾后的“需要知道”问题.

SciWriters 2023 talks at CU Anschutz

Science Writers Treated to a Smorgasbord of Inventive Research


Science Writers Meet the Best Medical Dogtor in the ‘Galaxy’


Bioengineer Advances Lab-Grown Tissue as Way to Repair Heart
