发表: 1月. 26, 2024 By

1月. 27, the world will come together to honor the victims and survivors of the Holocaust on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. 博彩平台推荐期待着这一天的到来, it prompts reflections on its significance in the context of current events surrounding the Israel-Hamas war and how the commemorations of the Holocaust intertwine with the ongoing complexities and challenges in the Middle East.

路易斯·P. 辛格在犹太历史上担任主席 Thomas Pegelow Kapalan 是大屠杀研究的教授, 关注现代德国犹太人的历史, 暴力和语言的历史. He spoke with 今天的科罗拉多大学 about the significance of International Holocaust Remembrance Day (IHRD), 它的历史背景及其对形成集体记忆的影响. 


There are several different times during the year that people around the world commemorate and honor the victims of the Holocaust. 在以色列, 以色列议会, 1951年将Yom HaShoah确立为该国的纪念日. 议员们决定在3月27日举行会议, 这是1943年华沙犹太人区反抗纳粹起义的开始日期. 因为它植根于犹太农历,所以它落在四月或五月. 

实际上,国际大屠杀纪念日的起源要晚得多. It was established through a resolution by the 一般 Assembly of the United Nations in November 2005. 这个特殊的日子是在1月8日. 27日是1945年奥斯维辛集中营解放的日子.


Please join the Program in Jewish Studies for their annual Holocaust Remembrance Day program public lecture:

“How Ordinary Were the Ordinary Men —The Puzzle of Perpetration in the Holocaust,——博士. 马克·罗斯曼.

Why did it take 60 years to establish an international day of recognition of the Holocaust? 

这说明了大屠杀记忆的整个演变过程. 为了以色列国, 原因显而易见, it became really important relatively early on to establish a day to honor the lives lost and those who fought the Nazis, same with the establishment of Yad Vashem—Israel's official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, 哪件事发生在1953年.

But during the 1950s, if you brought up or talked about things like genocide in the U.S., most Americans would not have immediately thought of what later became known as the Holocaust, 而是想到苏联在波罗的海犯下的罪行. 直到20世纪70年代末,记忆文化才开始发展.

How does IHRD contribute to shaping collective memory and awareness of violence against Jews? 

最明显的答案是接待, and the thought that more education and awareness will translate into different action. 但这也是博彩平台推荐今天正在努力解决的最大的讽刺之一. 

There are so many resources and documentation that is widely available on the catastrophic events that lead up to and occurred during the Holocaust. 这包括南加州大学大屠杀基金会的视觉历史档案,超过000个视频证词, 主要是大屠杀幸存者, 很容易获得, 包括科罗拉多大学博尔德图书馆.

And nonetheless, we’re seeing a global spike in antisemitism and Holocaust denial. 博彩平台推荐甚至有美国的主要政党候选人.S. that are running, or have run, as Holocaust deniers, including North Carolina Lieutenant Gov. Mark Robinson and Arthur Jones for a Congressional seat in Illinois back in 2018. 


Perceptions didn’t change much directly after the Holocaust, as one might think. There was a surge in news coverage revealing the atrocities that occurred at concentration camps, 但这并没有自动转化为对犹太人的同情, 任何. 事实上,有一段时期纳粹主义在中欧盛行. 米甲Bodemann, 多伦多大学社会学名誉教授, 这一现象一直延续到20世纪50年代初.

所以即使在被同盟国解放之后, 德国的反犹主义仍然猖獗, 以及在盟军击败德军后的早期, 对犹太人的屠杀仍在继续. 美国国会, 几年来, 也仍然反对允许大屠杀幸存者进入该国.

It took a long time for the dust to settle before we saw international response and sympathy for survivors. 

Why is recognition of IHRD important given the current events surrounding the Israel-Hamas war? 

在很多方面, Jews in Israel and all over the world are still grappling with the shock and trauma of October 7, 2023—it marked a significant turning point on the perceived safety of Jews both in Israel and around the world. 我认为许多在美国的非犹太观察家.S. were surprised by the intense reaction of members of American Jewish communities.

以色列国存在的根本理由是提供保护, ensuring that Jews facing persecution anywhere in the world can seek refuge and safety in Israel. 然而,最近10月9日对以色列的袭击. 7挑战了这种传统的推理——现代犹太复国主义的核心组成部分, however defined—raising concerns about the country's security in the face of such events. 

与大屠杀有关的常用短语, “下不为例,” stems from the philosopher George Santayana’s idea that “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

然而,, researchers with the Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum point to an alarmingly high number of genocides, 或near-genocides, 这发生在世界各地, 以及近年来反犹暴力事件的增加. 这包括10月11日之前的活动. 7、如 2018年匹兹堡犹太教堂枪击案 以及在神圣的地方谋杀犹太人. 

What is your response to South Africa’s case before the International Court of Justice, 指控以色列在加沙进行种族灭绝?

在我的种族灭绝课上, we recently discussed the way in which the South African delegation constructed their case, 而且这是故意的. 他们多次提到历史事件, 包括刺杀马丁·路德·金.,以吸引世界各地的观众. South Africa also has historical experiences with apartheid and support for apartheid charges against Israel in regard to occupied territories. So there’s definitely a precedent for these kinds of dynamics between the two nations. 

The recent International Court of Justice (ICJ) case is centered around Israel employing military force, 包括在人口稠密的平民区投下炸弹. 这种方法也是被驱动的, 在某种程度上, by the deliberate positioning of Hamas leadership and infrastructure within civilian sites, 包括医院和其他设施. It’s nearly impossible to verify any of the numbers that are coming out on civilian deaths on either side, but the ICJ case has already put more pressure on Israel to modify the ways in which they conduct the war in Gaza.