



Below are educational programming and presentations OVA offers to all members of the campus community, 以及从事类似或相关工作的社区合作伙伴. We prefer to provide "What OVA Offers" with a version of "Supporting Survivors." 

  • Review of OVA's advocacy and trauma-specific counseling services for students, 工作人员 and faculty
  • OVA如何为您提供支持,如何将人们推荐给OVA
  • 大约需要20分钟
  • Prefer to provide this with a version of the Supporting Survivors presentation

Traumatic experience happen every day and the CU Boulder community is 不 exempt. 在一次创伤经历之后, 通常朋友, 导师, 家庭, and sometimes faculty/advisors are the first to be told about these experiences. 一个人如何回应很重要,因为它会影响康复, 以及幸存者是否会寻求额外的支持. 本次会议将重点讨论:

  • The positive impacts of trauma-informed support and how it can help a survivor heal
  • General information on the impact of traumatic events (for more in-depth on this point see other presentation on Neurobiology of Trauma)
  • Skills that address how to respond to someone after they share about a traumatic or life disrupting event (grow skills in how to be trauma-informed in our responses )
  • A section can be added on trauma informed mandatory reporting for "负责任的员工" (those required to reports sexual misconduct, discrimination and protected class harassment)
  • 大约时间:60分钟, depending on whether practice scenarios and mandatory reporting are included. 最少45分钟为佳.
  • 博彩app推荐人们身体可能经历的信息, emotionally and cognitively in the aftermath of a traumatic event
  • How the brain and body respond to traumatic experiences, neurobiology of traumatic events
  • 愈合和恢复阶段
  • Presentation geared towards people already involved in a helping role or for a class discussing trauma
  • 大约时间:75分钟

This session will focus on learning more about vicarious trauma, compassion satisfaction vs.疲劳、倦怠和自我照顾. Explore  barriers to caring for ourselves and how to look at new ways that can be accessible to everyone.  正如奥德丽·洛德所说, “照顾自己不是自我放纵, it is self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare.”

  • 了解替代性创伤,同情,满足和. 疲劳和倦怠. (帮助他人的影响)
  • 了解应对和自我照顾之间的区别.
  • Explore barriers to self-care and attend to our needs in a new ways. (转变观念自理)
  • 添加到你的自我护理工具箱中.
  • 面向学生的演讲, 工作人员, and faculty who work in fields/roles that can have vicarious trauma (hearing about other people's traumatic experiences)
  • 大约时间:60分钟

This presentations provides psychoeducation on intimate partner abuse (IPA), with an emphasis on increasing awareness and understanding of domestic violence, 探索其心理影响, and empowering both survivors and secondary victims (those who support people with abusive partners) with knowledge of their rights, 选项, 和资源. 本讲座将涵盖:

  • Understanding IPA (definitions, different forms of abuse, the impact it can cause)
  • 关系中的健康、不健康和虐待行为
  • 定义健康的界限
  • How to help a friend: safety planning, support, and the healing process
  • 大约时间:60-75分钟

This presentation provides an introduction into how repeated discriminatory experiences can produce a traumatic response. Participants will learn how oppression can impact people’s stress responses and neurobiological development, and how to work effectively with people who have experienced oppressive trauma. . 另外, this presentation 也 addresses the personal and community impacts of working within social justice, 以及如何照顾自己和自己的社区. 演讲将集中于:

  • 压迫和创伤之间的重叠.
  • Gain an introductory understanding of how chronic oppression can impact people’s stress responses.
  • The differences between the intent of our actions and the impact of oppression.
  • 确定压迫的各种影响.
  • Learn about the Professional Quality of Life model and how it can help helpers monitor their satisfaction and prompt self care.
  • Identify how we can use the three types of self-care across time.
    • 要求, 这可以添加, but would need more time: Identifying means of being accountable for our (mis)actions and making repairs.
  • 大约时间:60分钟.


  • These circumstances may be difficult for some and 不 for others, 博彩平台推荐都有不同的方式来应对悲伤和失去. 
  • If anyone affiliated with the University would like to have a time for people to gather and hear about campus and community resources as well as self-care, 卵子的员工, in partnership with either Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) and/or Faculty Staff and Assistance (FSAP), can facilitate or be present for these group resourcing sessions. 
    • 这些会议是 汇报损失情况 小组咨询. The goal is to discuss the various responses and impacts of loss and or traumatic events, 了解资源, 谈谈自我照顾.
    • Other 工作人员 and faculty may 也 lead this types of check in sessions post loss or disaster, 在这里了解更多信息: www.科罗拉多州.edu/ova/guidance-supporting-groups-after-traumatic-event

*Presentations can occasionally be tailored to meet the needs of specific audiences. 博彩平台推荐可以去上课, 员工会议, 学生小组会议, 社区活动或任何满足需求的形式. 


  • 博彩平台推荐不仅有好货, we 也 have a Disc Drop game to win prizes and learn more about OVA.